"Do's and Don'ts" of Light Bulb Disposal
As we explored the different types of lighting in our previous blog post, there are also a variety of light bulbs with unique functions. They vary in properties and technology so the way they are disposed should be handled accordingly. Here's a list of the different types of light bulbs and how they should be properly thrown away:
LED Lights
LED lights do not contain any harmful chemicals and are made of recyclable materials, so you can throw them away in any regular trash can or recycling bin. Recycling your LED light bulbs is the preferred option.
Incandescent Light Bulbs
While they are becoming less common than LED lights, they can be tended to in a similar manner to LED lights. However, you should dispose of incandescent light bulbs in a regular trash can. You can recycle them, but it's a lot of work for recycling companies to recover the pieces of metal and glass compared to the amount of materials they actually gain. If the light bulb is broken, make sure to wrap it in newspaper or another heavy paper materials to keep yourself and trash collectors safe.
Halogen Lights
Halogen lights are named after the halogen gas they contain which makes these bulbs difficult to recycle. Most recycling centers don’t accept halogen lights, but it’s always a good idea to check. Otherwise, you can throw them into the trash like incandescent light bulbs.
CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights)
Compact Fluorescent Lights are popular for their energy conserving properties which can be attributed to the mercury they contain. This is an extremely toxic chemical which could seep into the drinking supply were it to end up in a regular landfill. This is why it’s crucial to carefully dispose of these and recycle them. To be extra cautious, we suggest that you place the bulbs back into their original packaging before recycling to ensure they don’t shatter.
Fluorescent Tubes
These lights also contain mercury. Additionally, its long thin shape makes it especially prone to shattering. Fluorescent tube lights are fragile and dangerous, so make sure to be cautious when throwing them away. This can be done by disposing them like you would with CFL’s: return them to their original packaging to prevent shattering, and take them to a disposal.
With all this in mind, the bottom line is that light bulbs should be recycled whenever they can.
You can find a list of locations that provide recycling services in your area by entering your zip code here.
We hope this blog post made the light bulb in your head go off so you know what to do when the light bulb goes out. Give us a call at (616) 643-8287 for all of your home electric safety questions. We’re wired to serve.