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Don’t Become a Ghost, Halloween Safety is of the Utmost

Fun light decorations are just as integral to Halloween as candy and costumes. But don’t forget smart electrical safety practices in the midst of the festivities. Here are five tips to make this Halloween both safe and fun.

1. Take precautions. Check the number of outlets you have to verify you have enough to handle the electrical burden. We also advise that you inspect any Halloween lights for damage. It’s likely you haven’t used them in an entire year, so make sure that they are free of any stray wires.

2. For bigger spectacles, make sure you have a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) to plug your outdoor lights. That said, ANY outdoor lights (cords, lights, decorations) should be GCFI protected.

3. Don’t overload circuits or cords. We suggest that you use gauge extension cords (14 or 12) and avoid electrical splitters.

4. When in doubt.. throw it out! Are there any lights with slight damage? Are some decorations flickering too much? Extension cords looking frayed? It’s best not to risk it. Throw away lights if you’re ever feeling unsure about how safe they are.

5. Heading out? Use LED lights and timers to conserve energy. Leaving lights on isn’t exactly a huge safety hazard, but they can eat away at the electricity bill.

You don’t want any electrical spooks this halloween! Follow these tips and enjoy your SAFE night out!

Do you have a more specific question related to electrical safety? Don’t hesitate to give us a call! You can reach us at 616-643-8287.

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